How can we maintain unfaltering faith? (7 ways)
Two common causes of faltering faith.
Life patterns
We may feel inclined to control the direction of our lives, according to the patterns we’ve seen from childhood to adulthood. Especially when we feel as if God’s not working fast enough to change our circumstances. Due to this, many turn to other sources for quicker results — dabbling in certain practices to “assist” in their walk as Christians. In the past, I hung on to this false power of control through new age and occult practices, as a consequence of a lack of faith. In Romans 14:23, Paul said, whatever is not from faith is sin. If we are under this satanic influence, the enemy will make us feel as if this is who we are and that the negative sequence of our lives will continue, evoking thoughts of doubts and the need to control things outside of God, as we face life’s challenges. Needless to say, it’s all a lie. In John 8:44, Jesus calls him “the father of lies.” It’s a trap to have you work against our Creator, miss your blessings, reject your assignments, then live in hell with him for eternity. God has a plan for all of us, and it doesn’t consist of us walking on the road to eternal death. Jeremiah 29:11, says “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” You are not stuck or doomed, these patterns can be terminated through Christ.
When it seems impossible
Another thing that interferes with our faith is thinking that a situation is not possible from the appearance of things. In this case, we might have faith one day and be doubtful the next. With this mindset, we’re forging our own conclusion as to whether a situation will work out or not. And with that being a natural reaction of the flesh, we must keep in mind as people of God, that the will of God does not happen in our lives by our own power or strength, it is by His spirit (Zechariah 4:6). Nothing can get in the way when Jesus is ready to move in our lives, not the great obstacle you might think is impossible to overturn or any other circumstances. With that said, we need to step aside and allow God to lead, He knows the plans He has for us. When you receive a promise from God, or is trusting Him for a change and the situation looks uncertain, remember who He is. He is the past, the present and the future, He knows what’s best for us and what we are capable of through Him, even if we don’t recognize it at the moment. Have faith and believe that you will receive what you prayed for. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Remember that we serve a God that can make the impossible possible (Luke 1:37).
“When God has your heart He will do incredible and mighty things through you.” -Stephanie Ike Okafor
No matter how difficult life gets or how disheartening your situation may seem, all is not lost. As long as you have breath, it’s never too late to step into a new beginning with Christ or to renew your strength in Him. Here are a few things that will bless you with unfaltering faith:
Read your Bible daily and pray continuously. As stated in Romans 10:17-18, “faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the word about Jesus Christ.” Maintain daily Bible reading and your faith will stay intact. There’s a song that we use to sing during devotion as children that says, “read your Bible, pray every day, and you will grow, grow, grow.” I didn’t fully grasp it’s meaning back then but as time past I understood that by reading the Bible, we get to know who our God is and as a result, we’re able to serve Him and build a relationship with Him, which leads to faith and spiritual growth. In addition, reading the Bible daily helps us to be strong in the face of temptation. Praying continuously is also very important, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, “Pray without ceasing.” Prayer shifts things in the spiritual to bring about changes in the physical. God’s powerful protection and blessings are on people who pray about everything, continuously. In Matthew 26:41 Jesus said, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.”
Know His voice and be obedient. The more time you spend with God and is walking in the spirit (putting away the desires of the flesh) the clearer you’ll hear Him and know His voice. And by knowing His voice, obedience is possible. And through obedience, we are able to maintain a relationship with the Lord. All throughout the Bible we see that disobedience only leads to destruction, due to the fact that, we were not made for ourselves, but for our Creator. In addition, the book of Jonah shows us that our disobedience can affect the people around us. And if we take a deeper look, disobedience can also sabotage a family’s lineage (1 Samuel 2, the disobedience of Eli the priest and his sons).
Let God be the center of your life. In 1 Corinthians 10:31, Paul says, “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of the Lord.” This leaves no room for the enemy to have a foothold in your life. Making God the main focus in every area of your life, will renew your mind over time and break unhealthy habits (Romans 12:2) and leave you with the lasting peace and joy that only Jesus is able to give.
Ask for forgiveness and forgive others. Luke 6:37 says “forgive, and you will be forgiven.” Forgiveness is crucial for our spiritual growth and breaking the negative patterns in our lives. This opens the door for God to heal us, work through us and dwell with us (Matthew 18: 32-35). Pray for the people you struggle to forgive, and pray that they won’t be overcome by evil. With this heart posture, the Lord can powerfully use you, His favor will be over you and you’ll maintain a beautiful relationship with Him. (Ephesians 4:26-27)
Let go. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness.” When we are weak, He is strong and is able to sustain us. Let go and submit to Jesus. He got you. Trust Him and allow Him to show His power and glory through you. We’re living in vain when we’re relying on ourselves. It is only through Jesus that you will fulfill your true purpose and assignments (Psalms 127:1).
Watch testimonies and sermons. Watching sermons and testimonies helps greatly to remember that we are in the hands of an all-powerful, mighty and wonderful God who sees all and is not a respecter of person (Acts 10:34-35). These testimonies and sermons will remind you of who He is and help to keep you steadfast on the righteous path through other people’s experiences and knowledge of God.
Make note of your spiritual experiences. These spiritual experiences might include you hearing the voice of God or His angels, witnessing His miracle-working power or seeing His hands in your life. Make note of them, so that when you meet upon discouraging situations, you can always look back, to strengthen your faith (Deuteronomy 4:9).
In conclusion, on my journey with Christ, I’ve learned that sometimes He entrusts us individually, with a specific duty or way of life that to the world might seem foolish, but it is our path to glory. 1 Corinthians 1:25 says, “God’s foolishness is wiser than man’s wisdom.” By practicing all of the above, our faith could remain strong in Christ but keep an open ear to anything else He might be telling you to do, as His servant.
Hebrews 11:6 “without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe He is, and that He’s a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him”
“How wonderful to have a faith to believe and a faith that could change the world, your world and your life” - Billy Graham
Many many blessings to you!
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